Ditching the meat: How cutting meat from your diet can lower your environmental impact.

The link between meat and the environment has been reported in numerous studies and news reports, with the meat industry being highlighted as one of the most significant contributors to current environmental problems.

Food production is responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, due to land clearance for animal agriculture and also due to animal byproducts, such as methane emissions. Research suggests that cutting down on meat consumption can reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions by a third. Therefore, a move away from meat rich diets can have a major impact on reducing your environmental impact. 

Meat-free Monday is an international campaign raising awareness of the links between meat consumption and the environment by encouraging people to swap meat for a vegetarian alternative for one day a week. Did you know that giving up meat for one meal a week could save enough carbon emissions to boil a kettle 388 times, or save enough water for 8 days use? 

As part of the Jump employee engagement programme we are encouraging staff to take part in the meat free campaign and to skip meat for one day a week. Bristol and Swansea Jump programmes both encourage Meat Free Monday, by awarding Green Points to employees who cut their meat intake and choose meat-free meals. At the University of Bristol, 46% of participants of the new Jump programme known as ‘Be The Change’ have already reported their actions to go meat-free one day a week. 

We also encourage employees to share their meat free recipes through the Jump programme, with employees submitting their favourite meat-free dishes. Maybe you should try one of these tasty recipes next Monday? 

Some businesses have gone one step further in reducing meat consumption. Last month the workspace company WeWork made the headlines when it declared it was going meat-free, and have even been awarded a Compassionate Business Award from PETA. The workspace company will no longer provide meat at corporate events, nor allow animal-based meals to be expensed to the company. This is a positive step for businesses reducing their carbon footprint and becoming more environmentally aware. 

Participating in Meat-Free Monday is just one step we can take in our lives to reduce our environmental impact, which is also a fun way to earn yourself some Green Points! With behavior change at the core of the environmental strategy of many businesses, we are taking a step in the right direction working towards a more sustainable future. If you would like to hear more about how the Jump programme can help meet your workplace sustainability targets, please get in touch at [email protected].

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