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Employee engagement is more relevant than ever. With millennials choosing their workplace based largely on corporate social responsibility and employee turnover on the rise, the importance of employee engagement cannot be overstated.

Research clearly shows that when employee engagement is high, organisations prosper. Higher levels of employee engagement correspond with better performance and productivity, more customer satisfaction and lower rates of absence through sickness, therefore having an engaged workforce is essential for growth and survival.

While most executives do see a clear need to increase employee engagement, many have yet to develop ways to measure and tackle this goal. Our Jump program makes it easy for companies to improve levels of employee engagement and therefore, their business.

JOIN the movement towards Employee Engagement! Take the first step and not only will you see your company productivity soar, but your employees will thank you. A highly engaged workforce can increase innovation, productivity, and bottom-line performance while reducing costs related to hiring and retention in highly competitive talent markets.

UPGRADE your environment. Create an environment for well-being to thrive, as an organization filled with healthy, balanced and fulfilled employees is a productive workplace. Incorporating a culture of employee engagement can not only help employees connect with one another, but it can also help create new innovations and ideas.

MOTIVATE your employees to take part in daily sustainability and well-being tasks to earn points for their team and themselves. Not only will they earn rewards for their efforts, they can feel good about being a part of something bigger! When you develop and support effective teams, you enhance the power and feeling of satisfaction of individuals working on the team. Employees need to feel that their organisation is equally invested in them. 

PRACTICE what you preach. Get involved yourself, make time to participate in wellness activities and create sustainability events for your staff. Giving employees a sense of shared values and purpose by creating a relationship with them is important. Senior leadership should continuously demonstrate that employees have an impact on their work environment and are an asset to the company.

Connecting engagement to business performance requires considerable effort and top management focus but there is enormous opportunity for companies that get it right.

In today’s fast-paced business landscape employee engagement is truly one of the most beneficial investments a company can make.

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