7 Personalised Strategies to Revolutionise Sustainability in your Workplace
In 2024 and beyond, the one-size-fits-all approach will make way for personalised strategies that resonate with employees, align with their values, and foster a sense of shared purpose.
Jump’s new features drive behaviour change and make it easier for employees to take sustainability action.
Jump is thrilled to be rolling out a range of new features across our programmes, designed to help our users have an even bigger impact.
Newark and Sherwood residents offered rewards for going green
A green behaviour scheme has been launched to encourage residents to make more sustainable choices and win financial rewards for doing so. Read more.
New reward scheme to encourage Newark and Sherwood residents to be more green
A new green reward scheme to encourage residents to make more sustainable choices and win rewards for doing so is being launched by Newark and Sherwood District Council. Read more here.
Jump wins funding to help deliver a Net Zero NHS
£1 million in funding for ten pioneering innovations to help deliver a Net Zero NHS.
SBRI Healthcare awards £1million to support net zero NHS
The Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Healthcare has awarded £1million to ten medical technology and digital innovations which have been designed to support the delivery of a net zero NHS. Set up by NHS England and NHS Improvement, SBRI Healthcare aims to fast track innovations that have the ability to solve an unmet health and […]
Jump Receives SBRI Funding To Help Deliver a Net Zero NHS
SBRI Healthcare has awarded a total of £1 million to ten pioneering MedTech and Digital innovations to support the delivery of a Net Zero NHS. The new projects are funded through a nationwide call by SBRI Healthcare, in partnership with the Greener NHS Programme, and which attracted 46 applications from a range of organisations, including […]
Discounts at Rushcliffe businesses with Green Rewards
There’s a host of great discounts at wonderful Rushcliffe businesses simply for lowering your carbon footprint by registering for the Green Rewards scheme. Mayor of Rushcliffe Cllr Sue Mallender was among the first to collect a discount as she reached her first 10,000 points on the platform in just a matter of weeks, then selecting […]
Durham University: New Green Rewards Incentive Scheme
My Greenspace enables students, staff and alumni to record sustainable actions listed under a number of categories: Get Involved, Energy & Water, Biodiversity, Travel, Waste and Health & Wellbeing. Under these umbrellas, actions users can complete include everything from measuring your carbon footprint, shopping local or environmental volunteering to reporting your exercise or eating your […]
Eastwood and Kimberley residents can earn rewards for ‘going green’
Users are rewarded ‘green points’ for logging actions which reduce their carbon footprint and can then be exchanged for vouchers. There is also a leader board that participants can use to monitor how Broxtowe is performing in comparison to wider Nottinghamshire. Read more
Make 2022 the year to go Green
This January, Broxtowe Borough Council is asking residents to sign up for Green Rewards – it’s free, easy to use and by signing up you are joining hundreds of Broxtowe users who are spending a couple of minutes each day to tackle climate change in Nottinghamshire. Read more
Travel Matters win Safe & Sustainable Tourism Award
“Its partnership with sustainability engagement experts Jump encourages clients and partners to monitor and reduce their carbon footprint, and it strives to keep its own operations as sustainable as possible. It was the first travel company to begin using the Net Zero Challenge, a digital sustainability engagement tool provided by Jump. This motivates employees to […]