Leading the way: Jump Impact Report 2020

Jump impact report 2020

Welcome to the Jump Impact Report 2020! Last year was a year like no other. However, this didn’t stop us in engaging employees, students and residents across our programmes in sustainable practices. We quickly adapted our schemes to meet the changing working environments many were experiencing across the UK; such as an increased focus on […]

Sustainability programmes save 4,200 tonnes of CO2 emissions through 3 million positive actions in 2020

Participants in sustainability engagement programmes spanning the private and public sectors have achieved a milestone three million positive actions in 2020 and prevented 4.2 million kilograms of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere. The programmes, designed and provided by sustainability engagement experts Jump, have also seen over11.1 million kilowatts of electricity saved with 266,600 miles […]

Jump Insight Series

Insight Series heading

Our first Insight Series of 2021 was on Health, Wellbeing and Our Environment, as we asked: why is wellbeing integral to sustainability?

Jump: Sustainability engagement schemes prevent 4,200 tonnes of carbon emissions in 2020


One of the UK’s biggest sustainability engagement schemes captured three million positive changes from employees and students during 2020, which collectively mitigated 4,200 tonnes of CO2e emissions. Green Rewards, the organisation behind the popular ‘Jump’ scheme, revealed its 2020 results earlier this week. While staff and students at many of the organisations using Jump – […]

2021: The Year of Net Zero

Net zero

At Jump we’re excited to see what is in store for net zero in 2021, both here in the UK and around the world.

Pledge for the Planet

Pledge for the Planet

Join our January campaign as we ask you to make a Pledge for the Planet: a resolution for 2021 that has sustainability and wellbeing in mind.

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust launches green reward scheme

Employee Benefits

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has introduced a green reward programme to engage its 14,500 employees with environmental sustainability and wellbeing across all hospitals.  The Shine Rewards programme, provided Jump, is aimed at motivating staff to make behavioural changes to help the trust achieve its net-zero goals. Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust joins Manchester University […]

Guest blog: The Commitment

The Commitment

Maya shines a spotlight on The Commitment, highlighting how we have the power to make small changes that can influence action for a healthier planet.