Net Zero NHS: how Trusts across England are engaging staff in sustainability

Happy NHS Sustainability Day 2022! In this blog, we are looking at how 19 NHS Trusts have been using Jump programmes for engaging staff in sustainability. From Newcastle down to Dorset, our partnered trusts have been using people power to reduce carbon and go net zero.

What is net zero NHS?

The NHS has two net zero goals. Firstly, for their directly controlled emissions to be reduced to net zero by 2040. Secondly, for emissions they can influence to reach net zero by 2045 (source). NHS Trusts are aware that to achieve these goals, their staff have got to be engaged in the strategy and willing to participate in carbon reduction. This is where our partnership comes in. 

Jump programme’s for engaging staff in sustainability

Our platforms are built around the strands of our behaviour change model, with gamification and community being key facets that ensure employee engagement. Gamification refers to elements such as points, teams, leaderboards, and prizes. Activities cover key sustainability areas the Trust want to target, such as energy saving, green travel, and waste reduction. Alongside integration of sustainability strategy documents, these activities educate staff in the Trust’s goals, their carbon impact and how to reduce it. The combined elements of creating understanding, reasoning, and opportunity, alongside the incentives and repeated actions, create habits that form into long term behaviour change. Our cross-scheme tracker allows users to see the total impact the combined Trusts have had. To date, they have performed 294,662 actions and saved 592,905 kg of CO2. Below we will look at some examples of our NHS programmes and what’s interesting about their bespoke programme.

Manchester University Foundation NHS Trust (MFT)

MFT are the largest trust in the country and in 2019 launched a Jump programme. This was so that they could track staff engagement in initiatives, as well as complex data such as CO2 emissions saved, and kilograms of waste avoided. Since their launch, they have saved over 29,000 bathtubs of water and recorded over 31,000 meat free days!

Today, MFT are running an exciting three-month active travel campaign on their platform. The campaign aims to travel 50,000 kilometres and has activities for individuals of all fitness levels. This helps engage a wider range of staff and ultimately reduce scope 3 emissions. By creating a campaign that aligns with their strategic interests, MFT is actively keeping high engagement with diverse, new activities and this also allows them to reap the trackable data that goes alongside it. This is running alongside one of our quarterly campaigns, which is currently biodiversity themed. Check out MFT’s case study!

Dorset ICS Group

The Ecoearn programme launched in May and was our first programme created for an ICS Group. The group have a combined total of five organisations and 24,000 staff. This is a great example of how Trust’s can come together to tackle carbon as a community working towards a shared goal, which is key to creating long lasting behaviour change. This countywide approach is sure to have massive positive impacts and we can’t wait to see the results come in over time!

SBRI Healthcare Funding

We also think on NHS Sustainability Day it is worth an honourable mention to our SBRI Healthcare funding! Using this we are working to create a product that will help NHS Trusts all over the UK track and measure sustainability data. This is our world-first healthcare specific carbon calculator. It will act as an invaluable tool in the strategy for going net zero. As it will help educate Trusts on their most carbon emitting areas, ultimately allowing them to make changes and get to net zero faster. 

A special thanks to all of our NHS Trust clients for their continued work towards net zero!

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