5 surprising ways to re-use glass jars.

All the best things in life come in jars: peanut butter, Nutella, jam, olives, mayonnaise… the list goes on! But consuming these foods at the rate we do leave us with an awful lot of jars – with the average UK family getting through 500 glass bottles and jars annually. And while glass is a great sustainable material because it is 100% recyclable, we want to emphasise that sustainability is all about reducing, re-using and recycling in that order. So if, like me, you can’t bear the thought of reducing your peanut butter consumption, it’s time to get re-using! Here are some surprising, interesting and useful ways you can re-use your glass jars.

1.)    Re-use for other food storage

The first and most obvious way to re-use a jar is to store leftovers or other dry food. It’s a great substitute for harmful plastics and it looks so satisfying when you open your cupboards!

2.)    A vase

Is your room crying out for some decoration? Or could you simply do with some plants to improve air quality in your home? A glass jar is the perfect place to pot some flowers for a few days or even a pot a plant for the long term. 

3.)    Cocktail glasses

You can use your leftover jars to serve cocktails in the next time you have your friends over! Or pop your morning smoothie in! Everything looks better in a jar. Just look at these pictures if you don’t believe us…

4.)    Make your breakfast!

Avoid the morning rush to get some breakfast down you and make a jar of overnight oats, ready to grab n go in the morning!

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