Camden Council – Camden EcoPoints

Camden Council has worked with Jump since 2016, with their waste and recycling focused programme for London Borough of Camden residents. Today, nearly 20% of all residents in Camden are members, and there are a range of additional actions, including transport activities aimed at reducing local air pollution. Camden Council have given Jump a 5/5 satisfaction score and 10/10 net promoter score.

Camden Borough Council
“Jump have been a fantastic help in getting our residents engaged with our council sustainability strategies. With nearly 20% of all households in Camden signed up for the EcoPoints programme, we couldn’t be happier with the progress we have made to incentivise our residents to recycle and travel sustainably.”
Camden Borough Council
Clive West
Senior Environmental Services Officer, Camden Counci
CO2e avoided
0 kg
travelled sustainably
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actions logged
waste avoided
0 kg

The Goal

Cutting Costs

Before partnering with Jump, Camden Council were looking for a solution that would encourage their residents to reduce waste, increase recycling rates and reduce contamination . Then in 2023, Camden Council also wanted to reduce emissions and improve air quality by encouraging active travel and public transport travel in Camden.

The Solution

In 2016, Camden Council partnered with Jump to create the Camden Recycling Rewards programme, where users were incentivised to log their actions via their app and website, for a chance to win vouchers for Love2Shop, Ecovibe, John Lewis and more. Residents could also receive discounts at local businesses, encouraging even more users to join the programme and support small businesses.


Themed around the three pillars of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, actions included borrowing or sharing an item at their local ‘Library of Things’, submitting a photo of something they have upcycled, and ordering a recycling container. Points could also be earned by using resources, such as the Refill App, or the council’s low-carbon cookbook.


Following the success of this programme, the Camden transport team came onboard, which expanded to incorporate sustainable transport activities, such as hiring a Camden Cargo Bike, joining a Camden Wellbeing Walk, or getting deliveries made to a locker instead of to their homes. The programme was rebranded ‘Camden EcoPoints’ to better fit the new travel-related activities.


Today, 16,251 households in Camden have signed up, over 900,000 positive actions have been recorded, and over 3.9 million kg of CO2e has been saved, showing the measurable impact attributed to their sustainability strategy.


Themed around the three pillars of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, actions included borrowing or sharing an item at their local ‘Library of Things’, submitting a photo of something they have upcycled, and ordering a recycling container. Points could also be earned by using resources, such as the Refill App, or the council’s low-carbon cookbook. 

Following the success of this programme, the Camden transport team came onboard, and expanded the programme to incorporate transport activities, many of which are specific to the area, such as hiring a Camden Cargo Bike, joining a Camden Wellbeing Walk, and getting deliveries made to a locker instead of to their homes. The programme was also rebranded to Camden EcoPoints to bring attention to the new travel-related activities. 

Today, over 16,000 households in Camden have signed up, over 900,000 positive actions have been recorded, and over 3.9 million kg of CO2e has been saved, showing the measurable impact attributed to their sustainability strategy.  

illustration of hands using mobile app that engages employees in sustainability

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