Jump reduces employee sick days by half

The Jump engagement programme was recognised at the University of Chichester’s annual Jump Awards ceremony for reducing the sickness absence rate across employees by almost half.

Chichester has been running the Jump programme for 2 years now, and in that time the average amount of sick days taken by employees has dropped from 5.2, which is in line with the HEFCE average, to just 3.6.

There is a proven correlation between engaging employees in wellbeing behaviours and reducing the amount of days taken off for sickness, and we’re really pleased to see it in action at the University of Chichester. We are working with a number of universities to engage their staff and students not just in sustainable behaviours, but also in wellbeing behaviours such as exercising at lunch time in the campus gym, taking a ten minute break outside and cycling to/from campus.

Engaging employees in wellbeing and sustainability behaviours has a powerful impact. If you would like to find out how Jump can reduce your sick days and achieve your sustainability and wellbeing targets get in touch through [email protected]

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