What the hot weather means for your garden and why you should start recycling it again.

After a baking hot few weeks, London’s green spaces haven’t been looking so green. With low levels of rainfall and the longest summer heatwave since 1976, gardens are looking scorched!

Garden waste volumes have decreased following the dry spell and we’ve heard from our local authority partners how tough the last few weeks have been for garden waste recycling. As the weather gets back to normal and your garden springs back into life, we want to remind you to recycle your garden waste by home composting or using a local authority garden waste collection service. To find out what services are available to you, please contact your local council. 

To help the London Borough of Bexley reach their garden waste recycling targets, our Community and Outreach Team have been busy running a door to door engagement campaign in the borough. Our friendly door stepping team will be working hard for six weeks encouraging residents to sign up to the council’s garden waste collection service.  

The team are also spreading the word about London Green Points – Bexley, the scheme rewarding residents for recycling more. Residents earn Green Points depending on the amount being recycled from their community and can earn extra points for other waste minimisation activities. Winners are awarded with charity donations and vouchers! 

Our Slim Your Bin scheme in Warwickshire and Recycling Rewards scheme in St Helens also promote composting at home and reward residents for their actions. Composting is a great way to recycle garden waste, transforming bark, flowers, grass and hedge cuttings into free nutrient-rich food for your garden. Composting is especially beneficial during dry periods as it helps retain soil moisture, reducing the need to water your garden! Not only does it save spending in the local garden centre, composting decreases the amount of waste we send to landfill, making it an environmentally friendly option. Composting at home can save global warming gases equivalent to all the CO2  your kettle produces annually! 

For more information on our recycling engagement work for local authorities please get in touch at [email protected].  In the meantime, bring on the rain!

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