All Together April: Our Wellbeing Campaign

All Together April

As we move through the unprecedented times of Covid-19, here at Jump we have been looking for ways to help those living and working from home. Our programmes have already been optimised for working from home, for our universities, NHS Trusts, councils and corporate organisations. But we want to make sure that anyone can get involved.

We’ve put our (virtual) heads together and are launching All Together April. This wellbeing campaign encourages you to take one action a day for the whole of April that helps to keep your mental health and wellbeing in check during these more uncertain times.

The coronavirus is affecting everyone, as does mental health so we’ve put together a whole month of All Together activities to keep us engaged, keep us connected and keep us motivated.

How do I take part?

The calendar below can be downloaded here for you to check off each day as we go along. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for daily updates on All Together April. Share your wellbeing efforts with us using the hashtag #alltogetherapril.

All Together April Calendar

We’ve even given you a head start! In this list we’ve included links to videos, tutorials, articles and ideas on how to boost your wellbeing during this time.

You may have already seen our blog on how to look after your mental health whilst working from home. Why not challenge yourself to take part in something new? 

All Together April

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