Bringing sustainability and wellness to life #JumpSeminar2019

In May we held our behaviour change seminar, where we were joined by delegates from a wide range of sectors. We discussed the theme ‘bringing sustainability and wellness to life’.

The Jump Insight Seminar 2019 brought together key public, University and private sector experts

Our speakers came together to share insight on techniques for engaging and motivating people. To kick the behaviour change seminar off, our live poll showed that 32% of attendees thought that reducing plastic use was their biggest target. Not surprising if you’ve consider 2018’s ‘plastics moment’!

Keynote speaker: Claire Igoe, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Claire, from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, did a great job of setting the scene. Her eagerness and drive to make a difference at the trust certainly came across! As one of our most recent organisations to introduce a Jump engagement programme, Claire shared how their Green Rewards programme has helped MFT ‘green healthcare in Manchester’.

Claire Igoe, Manchester NHS Foundation trust speaking at Jump behaviour change seminar

We hosted two panel sessions around engagement strategies for driving sustainable behaviour change. The first panel covered ‘communicating the sustainability message’. Speakers on this panel included Emerald, William Joseph and the University of Bristol. The second session explored ‘building a motivated community’. Here, the University of Chichester, Mace Group, Barclays and the London Borough of Camden shared their insight.

Then it was onto some eager Q&As. Our favourite query from the audience was “which is more sustainable for drying your hands, paper towels or electric dryers?” We then moved on upstairs for drinks, nibbles and of course – some networking!

The event was a huge success, so thank you to everyone who joined us on the day – we look forward to our next one!

If you’d like to learn more about how we help our clients drive behaviour change within their organisations, then take a look at our Case Studies.

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