Challenge yourself!

The New Year is now well under way and perhaps it’s time we all reviewed our resolutions. Are you doing well so far or do you think you could be doing better? In Hammersmith & Fulham, Jump have been providing an extra push to residents of 9,000 estate properties and are challenging them to recycle more and reduce contamination in their communal bins in order to win themselves and their estates some great cash prizes!
This has got us thinking – If you could choose one thing that you wanted to challenge yourself to do better, what would it be?

Perhaps a clean out of your wardrobe could help you start the year right. Start by challenging yourself to part with 5 items that you haven’t worn in the last year and are just hanging around causing clutter. Make sure you donate them to charity, sell them at a car boot sale or recycle them responsibly for a clutter-free mind!
If you’re feeling brave (or just have a wardrobe that’s bursting at the seams!) try choosing one more item each month that you haven’t worn and donating that too.

If you are wasting too much food, challenge yourself to write a weekly meal plan and only buy what you need. Or you could organise your fridge and freezer with items that are closer to going out of date at the front to make sure you use them up in time!

Feeling creative? How about a re-use challenge! Get together with friends and repurpose something you were going to throw away. E.g. Plastic bottles can be used for potting plants, glass jars for storing trinkets or some worn out clothing could find new life as a tea-cosy!
Or finally, how about making your own compost? You’ll have a worthy place to put all your unwanted food waste – just remember to layer it with dried leaves or sawdust for healthy, odor-free compost.

Bethany Fruen
Head of Communications
Local Green Points

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