Dorset NHS Trusts & SWASFT - EcoEarn

EcoEarn launched in 2022 for all employees at Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Dorset HealthCare NHS Foundation Trust, NHS Dorset, Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust, and South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT). These NHS bodies utilise the same EcoEarn branding across their programmes, with multi-view functionality to create competition between each of the trusts signed up to the programme. 

NHS Logo
“The multi-view functionality allows us to view the impact and compete as different trusts, while also offering a tailored approach to each trust. It is important for us to recognise the variety and complexity of services across trusts and departments, and that we promote activities that are appropriate and relevant to them. Jump enables us to meet that challenge, and to find synergies and opportunities for harmonisation. It has been a superb tool to help us work in close collaboration to meet the sustainability challenges across the Dorset NHS Partnership.”
NHS Logo
Stuart Lane
Sustainability and Carbon Manager at University Hospitals Dorset NHS
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The Goal

Meeting Government Net Zero Regulations

The Challenge

Limited Resources for a large area

Dorset County Hospital, Dorset HealthCare University, NHS Dorset, University Hospitals Dorset and South Western Ambulance Service (SWASFT) all had the same objective: engaging NHS employees with sustainability. Their goal was to increase climate literacy and awareness, gather sustainable ideas, and communicate initiatives, so that they could reduce air pollution and singleuse plastics, to reach net zero. Their unifying challenge was engaging a wide variety of staff across such a large area with their limited resources. 

The Solution

These NHS Trusts partnered with Jump to create a programme called EcoEarn, which provided a unique view for each Trust’s members, while also providing collective insights from across the region. This multi-view functionality allowed them to meet Net Zero targets by tailoring their activities to each department.  

This programme had a key emphasis on promoting car sharing, to reduce pressure on Trusts’ carparks, staff finances, trust average commuter carbon emissions and improving local air quality. Additionally, the Trusts have focused on climate literacy around green initiatives, by rewarding users for viewing resources such as their Trusts’ green plan, sustainability training and other educational materials. 

EcoEarn has also been used to encourage a sense of community around their green initiatives, by running a successful birdwatching photo competition, tied into the Big Garden Birdwatch. There was also a cycling commute photo competition to encourage active travel. During these competitions, extra rewards including a guided walk voucher at Arne nature reserve were awarded to encourage connecting and appreciating nature, while improving wellbeing.  

Normally, Scope 3 emissions are hard to measure, but the engagement and activities contribute toward determining indirect emissions, allowing these trusts to accurately track the success of their engagement programme. As a result of this campaign’s success, Jump received a 5/5 client satisfaction score, showing the value of building a community around sustainability goals. 

illustration of hands using mobile app that engages employees in sustainability

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