Jump (Green Rewards) insight seminar on practical engagement in sustainability and wellbeing

Key discussion topics: Plastic Waste, Sustainable Development Goals, Technology 

On May 10th 2018, Green Rewards will host its annual insight seminar at the iconic October Gallery near London’s Russel Square. The event will host a range of speakers, broken into two panel discussions and will end with a launch of Green Rewards’ new global product, followed by drinks and canapés. 

The first panel will be chaired by Amanda Carpenter from the Legal Sustainability Alliance and will discuss “Building the business case for engagement”. Provisional speakers include representatives from Barclays, the University of Strathclyde and the London Borough of Bexley. 

The second panel will be chaired by Henry Majed from the Innovation Gateway and will focus on “Exploiting technology to embed behaviour change”. Speakers include Mike Lynch from RBS, who will discuss how RBS tackled plastic waste and encouraged colleagues to reduce their plastic use through Jump, including over 500,000 disposable cups saved.

The panel will also include Neil Smith from Bournemouth University who will discuss how Jump enabled the University to engage staff in sustainable and wellbeing behaviours and embed the Sustainable Development Goals into their sustainability strategy. Matthew de Villiers from Greenstone will address the importance of capturing data, by discussing how aggregate data can be fed back to employees to generate sustainable and long-lasting behaviour change.

The seminar looks to be a topical and engaging discussion, and we look forward to welcoming all our guests on the day.

To RSVP please send an email to [email protected]

Many thanks to Servest for their sponsorship of the Green Rewards Insight Seminar

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