New Year’s Resolutions.

Welcome to 2017! It’s a brand new year and a time to put those New Year’s resolutions into action. Research suggests that we spend around 30% of our lives at work, so let’s make a positive start by working on your wellbeing during those working hours.

Here are 5 ideas to get you started: 

1) Make healthier food choices – nuts over crisps, soup over a sandwich, a banana over a chocolate bar. Leftovers from a wholesome dinner the night before are perfect for an easy, healthy lunch.

2) Get your blood pumping and breathe in some fresh air by taking a walk outside. It feels great to do this after having your lunch.

3) Choose to take the stairs rather than a lift to burn 7 times more calories. Stair climbing is officially classed as a ‘vigorous exercise’ and burns more calories per minute than jogging!

4) Keep it dry this January. Give up alcohol for one month to give your body a break, save money and sleep better.

5) Go vegan this January…


As the name suggests, Veganuary is a campaign encouraging you to go vegan for the month of January by avoiding food or clothing that come from animals (such as meat, dairy, eggs and leather) and we think there’s a reason for everyone to give it a go.

Animals – One reason to make the switch to veganism is to protect animals from being exploited and treated unfairly by the meat, dairy and egg industries.

Health – Personal health is now the second biggest driver for ditching animal products – with many claiming they gained energy and combated specific health conditions by going vegan.

Environment – You’ll be reducing greenhouse gas emissions as grains and vegetables are a lot less energy intensive to grow than animals. You’ll be preventing habitat loss as eating animals is the largest contributing factor in habitat loss and extinction. And you’ll be preserving water as raising animals to make food products requires huge amounts of fresh water.

Take the pledge and give it a go this month.

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