The benefits of cycling to work

The 4th of August 2022 marks Cycle to Work day. As this year is the 10-year anniversary of Cycle-schemes annual awareness day we thought we would take a look into the benefits of cycling to work. In this blog we will be looking into why cycling some, or all of, our commute can be beneficial, to both employees and employers. We will also highlight how Jump schemes can incentivise people at your organisation to get cycling and start saving carbon.

Benefits of Cycling to Work:

Cycling to work is a great way to fit in exercise around a busy day. Many people have reported reduced stress and increased opportunity as a result of their cycle commute.

According to Carbon Independent a 5-mile bus ride emits up to 700kg of Co2, therefore, encouraging employees to cycle to work can be a great way to prevent Co2 emissions from commuting.

As an organisation there are many things that can be done to incentivise employees to commute more sustainably, such as supporting a Cycle to Work scheme, ensure adequate facilities such as undercover and safe bike storage.

How Jump can help with this:

Our Jump programmes help to encourage people to actively commute to work using our ‘Active Travel’ activities. We are incentivising people to actively commute where they can earn green points based on the number of miles, they actively travel a day. We’ve incorporated a Strava integration into these activities to easily reward everyday actions.

Our impact trackers calculate the Co2 savings of each commute meaning users can see their individual and organisations effect. Being able to see the results of your everyday actions is a powerful motivator for employees.

To take it one step further we have designed customisable travel campaigns for our Manchester NHS and United Plymouth Hospitals. Staff at Plymouth hospitals have cycled 5605 miles and are on track to hit their target of 8272 miles across their campaign. Whilst colleagues at Manchester NHS have almost reached their active travel target at 48,778 miles out of 50,000 miles!

To find out how a Jump platform can support your organisations sustainable travel strategies then request a 15-minute demo today.

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