Walking works

May has begun, which means so has National Walking Month – an annual celebration of walking run by UK charity Living Streets. The campaign is a great opportunity for us all to think about how we can do more, be it workplace walking or around our neighbourhood.

Why walk more?

From saving money, boosting fitness and getting a dose of fresh air – the positive effects of walking on health and wellbeing are significant. Helping us connect to our surroundings, improving energy levels and increasing productivity – it’s no wonder walking feels good. If you’d like to find out more about the health benefits of walking, visit NHS live-well (you’ll also find a range of resources to help you walk more including a free walk tracker app). You know what they say – healthy body, healthy mind!

Walking does wonders for our environment too and is often the most carbon-friendly form of transportation. Using no fossil fuels and producing no air pollution, walking is even in the Committee on Climate Change’s most recent report setting out how the UK can reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Despite this, a shocking one-third of Brits are happy to use a petrol or diesel car for ‘easily walkable’ journeys. Whether for convenience or you think you’re avoiding pollutants by sitting in your car, think again.

This month, why not start small and walk to work one day a week or get walking on your lunch breaks? 

Walking in the workplace

Embedding a culture of walking among staff isn’t easy. From active travel to lunchtime walk activities, our engagement programmes reward employees for walking more. This month we’re ramping it up for National Walking Month at Bournemouth University. Their Green Rewards members are being encouraged to pledge their participation in the campaign and are earning double Green Points for actively travelling to work in May (as well as a raffle!). We’ve also integrated Fitbit into many of our programmes recently, allowing employees to sync their steps and earn Green Points automatically through a Steps Challenge. 

So what are you waiting for? Get walking!

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