Pledge for the Planet

Jump 2021 Campaigns

We were delighted to see the enthusiasm for our 2020 campaigns as we prioritised mental wellbeing for All Together April and encouraged Waste Warriors to take action for Recycle Week in September. We’re kicking off our  2021 campaigns with Pledge for the Planet.

All throughout January, we’re asking members of our Jump programmes to make a Pledge for the Planet: a resolution for 2021 that has sustainability and wellbeing in mind.

Whilst 2020 brought unprecedented challenges for us all, the new year brings a sense of hope and a fresh start – both for us as individuals and for the wider climate agenda.

We know that small actions add up to make a big difference, which is why we’re excited to see the number of pledges adding up across our programmes during the month.

Read our reflections on 2020 as we look ahead to the new year with fresh opportunities and a sense of renewal.

Making your Pledge for the Planet

Even if you’re not a member of one of our Jump programmes, this is an excellent opportunity for anyone to make a Pledge for the Planet.

What New Year resolution could you commit to with sustainability and wellbeing in mind?

We’ve outlined some of the brilliant campaigns going on this month to help get you started, as well as resources for some more creative resolution ideas.

Research your Resolution

Move for Mind

Move for Mind this winter. Set yourself an exercise and fundraising challenge and raise money for better mental health. It’s 30 days, your way – whether it’s daily virtual workouts, running 30 miles or cycling 300k over 30 days. You can choose how you’ll get active to fundraise for everyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Could you pledge to Move for Mind this month? Or pledge to improve your own mental wellbeing through exercise? Or fundraise for a mental health charity such as Mind?


Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. Last year, more than 400,000 people made their pledge to try a vegan diet, while more than 600 brands, restaurants, and supermarkets promoted the campaign, and launched more than 1,200 new vegan products and menus in the UK market alone.

Could you pledge to try a vegan diet this January? Could you try Meat Free Mondays for three months? Or could you commit to a vegetarian diet for the whole of 2021?

Flight Free

Reducing our carbon footprints is essential to avoid climate breakdown. There are lots of things we can do, like eating less meat, using renewable energy, or driving less. But did you know that just one flight can wipe out all those savings? Living sustainably whilst continuing to fly is impossible. Whilst our travel plans have been turned upside-down this year, could you use this as opportunity to reconsider how you travel?

Could you pledge to go Flight Free this year? Could you avoid carbon intense modes of travel and pledge to cycle or walk more instead?

Reduce your plastic use with Greenpeace

We’ve all seen the headlines about the huge environmental problems caused by single-use plastics and there are new items to look out for as we increase our use of face masks and plastic gloves. Governments and corporations have a responsibility to take action – but what can we do to cut down our personal plastic footprints?

Could you pledge to take on one of Greenpeace’s 9 top tips for reducing your plastic use? How about investing in washable, reusable face coverings?

Making your Pledge for the Planet count

Making a pledge that is suited to you. Your abilities and your lifestyle are important in making your Pledge for the Planet count!

If none of the above have sparked your interest, have you also considered:

Behaviour change for good

We know that it can take 60 days to make a habit, so don’t worry or feel disheartened if you don’t succeed with your resolution from the get-go. Break it down into easy and achievable steps and share your journey with others along the way. Chances are they’re trying to make a change too, and by sharing your pledge you can motivate each other to reach your goals.

No pledge is too small. Whatever your Pledge for the Planet is, also make sure to share it with us on Facebook and Twitter @jumpengagement!

Engaging your people in behaviour change

Jump is helping organisations across sectors to achieve their sustainability and wellbeing targets in the transition to net zero. Our campaigns are a brilliant way to engage and motivate your people to take positive and lasting action.

Find out more about Jump or get in touch with a member of the team for a 15-minute demo to see our programmes in action.

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